I also went from T-Pose to relaxed arms b/c the edge loops were too hard to imagine in the extreme of the T-Pose.
Indie Game Development & Tutorials. Primarily Maya and UE4. Now with a hint of Chinese 5 spice!
2 Steps forward...
Building the controller for real means bringing in the animations for the anim tree, which means bringing in the real Todd, which means rigging him. While I've gone through that process a few times now I knew the deformations were garbage and I had to rework them. At the time I didn't care b/c I was moving forward. Well now I needed to take 2 steps back to redo the topology of Todd, which gave be pause to tweak a few proportions. Nothing major just giving it another once over, and studying what I've done with a critical eye. Todd v07, also re-UV'ed, but that was easy.
Fluid Rendering Optimizations Maya/MR from destruct007 on Vimeo . Speeding up fluids renders can be key to farm efficiency and iterations ...
Fire Part 1 from destruct007 on Vimeo . Here we start with the basics of fluid fire in maya. We just get the ball rolling, but it should b...
2) Ok so I've gotten more feedback and think I'm just about ready to move on to the rest of the body. The face is close. The upper e...