Oh and that's an old house model in the back, not new.
Indie Game Development & Tutorials. Primarily Maya and UE4. Now with a hint of Chinese 5 spice!
Tree v01 or v00.5
Dare I even call this version 01, its more like sketching in 3D or look dev on the tree. The idea is about 3 layers clumps of planes stacked to give depth, with some sort of random spots on them. Using Substance designer to iterate fast... well fast if I was better at it. its slow when you get snagged on something and it takes 30 minutes to realize why. Anywho, forward progress.
Fluid Rendering Optimizations Maya/MR from destruct007 on Vimeo . Speeding up fluids renders can be key to farm efficiency and iterations ...
Fire Part 1 from destruct007 on Vimeo . Here we start with the basics of fluid fire in maya. We just get the ball rolling, but it should b...
2) Ok so I've gotten more feedback and think I'm just about ready to move on to the rest of the body. The face is close. The upper e...