Edit: just added this, thinking he should be darker, as he is a secret agent.
Indie Game Development & Tutorials. Primarily Maya and UE4. Now with a hint of Chinese 5 spice!
Line Up
They are all now UV'd and textured with 1 shader (each that could be optimized further). I've been playing around with colors. Not "there" yet but ballpark. I'll probably go with this for now, rig and animate them, and get them into engine. I've been going over more anim tree tutorials (the 9 video tuts on the forums) Learning how to get their heads to work with look direction and get their body and tails to bounce walk/run.
Fluid Rendering Optimizations Maya/MR from destruct007 on Vimeo . Speeding up fluids renders can be key to farm efficiency and iterations ...
Fire Part 1 from destruct007 on Vimeo . Here we start with the basics of fluid fire in maya. We just get the ball rolling, but it should b...
2) Ok so I've gotten more feedback and think I'm just about ready to move on to the rest of the body. The face is close. The upper e...